To have your card graded, you will need to submit to the NBA 2K23 MyTeam “experts.” Once it is reviewed, you will receive the card back, and it will come with a sleeve and a grade. This grade will be between 7 and 10. So, a 10 is a perfect graded card, while anything lower will be given a grade below that number.
Graded cards will receive an in-game boost. This boost doesn’t affect the attributes of the card, but it will have an effect on how much MT coins you receive after the game. The more graded cards that are in the lineup, the more MT you will get. And the grade matters as well. For example, a 7 grade card will grant a very small bonus, while a 9.25 grade will give a medium bonus.
How Card Grade Bonuses Change with Card Rating in NBA 2K23 MyTeam? A more visual table that makes it easier to see which card level/ratings correspond with other ones: